23 d’oct. 2020

Miley Cyrus anuncia el llançament del seu proper àlbum

Miley Cyrus ha anunciat avui el seu setè àlbum d'estudi: es dirà Plastic Hearts i es posarà a la venda el 27 de Novembre. Plastic Hearts inclourà lògicament el seu actual senzill Midnight Sky, així com les versions que ha fet de Glass Of Heart de Blondie i Zombie dels Cranberries.

La cantant tenia previst publicar una trilogia d'EPs l'any passat, dels quals finalment només se'n va materialitzar un: She Is Coming. La veritat és que mai havia estat massa interessat en la seva música, però la música que ha tret en els últims dos anys m'ha agradat bastant, pel que sí que tinc bastantes ganes de poder escoltar el seu proper projecte.

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If you’re reading this… know that I fucking love and appreciate you on the deepest level. I began this album over 2 years ago. Thought I had it all figured out. Not just the record with its songs and sounds but my whole fucking life. But no one checks an ego like life itself. Just when I thought the body of work was finished… it was ALL erased. Including most of the musics relevance. Because EVERYTHING had changed. Nature did what I now see as a favor and destroyed what I couldn’t let go of for myself. I lost my house in a fire but found myself in its ashes. Luckily my collaborators still had most of the music that was burned up in journals and computers filled with songs for the EP series I was working on at the time. But it never felt right to release my “story” (each record being a continual autobiography) with a huge chapter missing. If it were a chapter in my book I guess I would call it “The Beginning” which usually when something is over we call it “The End”. But it was far from that. In triumph and gratitude I present to you my 7th studio record, Plastic Hearts. To be released Nov. 27th 2020. XXMC Pre Order in Bio. Photograph by: @therealmickrock

Una publicación compartida de Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) el

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