7 de gen. 2017

Noves certificacions de la RIAA (Estats Units)

A portrait of a young woman with blonde hair looking straight at the camera, with a white cap. At the bottom center stands the song title, "Team", and the artist name, Iggy Azalea.La RIAA, associacio de la Indústria Discogràfica dels Estats Units,ha entregat noves certificacions d'or i platí a diverses cançons, segons el número de còpies que han aconseguit vendre en aquest país i també tenint en compte els streams.


Or (500 milers)
Iggy Azalea - Team
Justin Bieber - No Sense
Sia - The Greatest
Rihanna with her face tilted backwards and eyes closed.
Platí (un milió)
Ariana Grande i Nicki Minaj - Side To Side
Rihanna - Kiss It Better

Platí doble (2 Milions)
Meghan Trainor - No
The Weeknd feat. Daft Punk - Starboy

Triple platí (3 milions)
Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
Meghan Trainor & John Legend - Like I'm gonna Love You
Often single cover.pngRihanna, Kanye West, Paul McCartney - FourFive Seconds
The Weeknd - Often
Zayn - PillowTalk

Quatre vegades platí (4 milions)
Rihanna - Needed Me

Sis vegades platí (6 milions)
Justin Bieber - Love Yourself
Rihanna - Diamonds
The Weeknd - Can't Feel My Face


Sia - This Is Acting

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